Professor Nabil Ayad, Director of The Academy of Diplomacy and International Governance, Loughborough University London, at the invitation of the Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan HE Mr Kairat Abdrakhmanob, took part in an international conference devoted to the 25th anniversary of the diplomatic service of Kazakhstan. The conference reflecting on Results, Achievements and Future Outlook of the country’s diplomatic relations took place on 29th July 2017 in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan, and hosted ambassadors, other diplomats, government dignitaries, experts as well as academics.
Professor Ayad delivered a speech on UK-Kazakhstan relations and took part in an interactive discussion at a panel on “The Future Outlook of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the International Arena”, along with the Ambassadors of France, UAE and the Republic of Korea. He particularly mentioned:
“Diplomatic, political and economic Relations between UK and Kazakhstan have been good and effective… Officials in the UK were among the first in the Western world to recognise the enormous potential of the country. The initial recognition and involvement of the UK has been of immense value to the development of the country. Overall the progress of Kazakhstan is favourable. However, it is extremely important for the country to develop and enhance its diplomatic and negotiating skills as well as realise the importance of image projection, reputation management and nation branding. The Academy of Diplomacy and International Governance, Loughborough University London, would be delighted to assist in that respect through its reputable programmes and courses.”

Professor Nabil Ayad addressing Kazakhstan Interantional Conference in July 2017

Moderator: Mr Yerzhan Saltybayev, Director of the Institute of Economics and Politics under the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Members of the Panel :
- Professor Dr Nabil Ayad, Director of the Academy of Diplomacy and International Governance, Loughborough University London
- H.E. Mr Demetrio Bueno Carvalho, Ambassador of Brazil to Kazakhstan
- H.E. Mr Francis Eten, Ambassador of France to Kazakhstan
- H.E. Mr Kim Dae-sik, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Kazakhstan
- H.E. Dr Mohamed Ahmed bin Sultan Al Jaber, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to Kazakhstan
- H.E. Mr Igor Khalevinsky, Chairman of the Association of Russian Diplomats
- Ms Aigul Zhakupova, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan
Letter of appreciation from the Government of Kazakhstan